
Castlemaine Mail


In mid-June, The Men’s Table headed to Castlemaine in Regional Victoria for a Men’s Table Entree.

Coverage in local papers and on local radio about the upcoming event is always helpful in encouraging men to come along and experience how a Men’s Table works so they can decide if it’s something they’d like to be involved in. 

Journalist Jade Jungwirth had a chat with VIC Regional Host Dan Ball about how sitting at a Table has benefited him and his relationships. Our thanks to Jade for featuring Men’s Table in her article. Read it here.

Having a place to go regularly encourages men to sit and reflect, especially when they know the Table is coming up. They are really about looking at the highs and lows of life - so often we skip over celebrating the wins and are unable to express pride in ourselves.

Want to chat?

Want to have a chat or ask a question before you register for an entree? We’d love to hear from you. Please give us a call or fill out this form and a man who sits at a Table will get back to you.