The Kitchen Pantry (the ‘Pantry’ for short) is the place to find the educational staples for success. It is stocked with the Fundamentals, which act as five courses.
September 20th marked 6 months of the Kitchen Pantry! To celebrate, we thought we’d speak to some men at Tables and hear about their experiences with this resource.
Tell me about yourself and how you got involved in The Men’s Table?
I’m a Project Manager and I live in a regional town. I mentioned to a colleague of mine that I had been doing it tough mentally, and he told me about his involvement with The Men’s Table. I joined Table MT75 and have completed the Co-Host training.
Why did you check out the Pantry in the first place?
I wanted to use some spare time I had to work on my understanding of mental health and check out what resources the Pantry had to offer. Mental health issues are prevalent in my community, so I wanted to apply what I learnt from the Pantry to my community as well.
What are some key learnings/takeaways from the Pantry?
I found the videos in the Pantry really useful. I started with the ‘Safe and Confidential’ videos, then the ‘Commitment to Community’ videos. I’ve shared these videos at my Table meetings, which have generated good discussions.
How has the Pantry helped you strengthen your Table experience?
The resources in the Pantry provide helpful guidance on how to run Table meetings, on how to have conversations, how to respect and work with members who are a bit quiet, etc.
Why should other men at Tables check out the Pantry?
The resources in the Pantry are straight to the point and matter of fact. The videos are easy to digest and eye opening. The Pantry is a good tool for getting the Table engaged and rolling.
Any other words of wisdom for men at Tables?
The Table is an excellent environment for being able to open and still your mind, have discussions, and build good, long lasting friendships. I am also enjoying being involved in promoting MT initiatives in the community.
Tell me about yourself and how you got involved in The Men’s Table?
I’m a retired plumber, and have been working in radio for the past 5 years. I discovered The Men’s Table when I saw a flyer in a pub, and followed the steps to find out more. I was then part of starting up Table MT142. I like to promote MT in the community where I can.
Why did you check out the Pantry in the first place?
I heard about it through a Men’s Table staff member and a man from a Table. They said it was informative and suggested I check it out. I thought it would be good to learn more about MT and the Fundamentals.
What are some key learnings/takeaways from the Pantry?
I enjoy learning, so I went through all of the content in the Pantry which took about 2 hours. The Pantry has given me a deeper understanding of the Fundamentals as guiding principles for men at Tables, and it’s instilled in me what a stable Table looks like.
How has the Pantry helped you strengthen your Table experience?
I have all of the resources from the Pantry printed out, which I take to my Table meetings. Having these resources in front of us helps us to guide the meetings, especially when we are taking turns as Co-Hosts.
Why should other men at Tables check out the Pantry?
It will help you better understand the purpose and helpfulness of the Table setting, for example, reinforcing the idea that nothing leaves the Table and that your Table members are there to support you.
Any other words of wisdom for men at Tables?
Don’t be afraid to reach out to the Kitchen, check out the Pantry, or explore other learning opportunities. Reach out to your Table members when you feel things aren’t going right, and consider developing cross-Table connections.
Thank you to Mike and Allan for sharing their experiences. As of September 30th, there were 379 men at Tables signed up to the Pantry and 385 registrations across the five courses. The Pantry is available exclusively to men at Tables. Head to the ‘Pantry’ tab on the website to log in, or click here.
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